Open Source

Manyfold is Open Source software, published under the MIT license.


As part of Manyfold’s development, we’ve contributed Open Source code back to the community, by releasing a number of our own packages openly (as well as the source code of Manyfold itself):

We’ve also made contributions to a number of the open source projects listed below to help improve them, particularly Federails and Mittsu.


We could not have built Manyfold without standing on the shoulders of all the other Open Source developers who have built the tools we use. There are hundreds of components in our software stack, and we’re looking for a good way to credit them all properly, but in the meantime, the most important ones are credited here:

  • Ruby on Rails - Application framework
  • Three.js - 3D rendering in the browser
  • Federails - Rails engine for ActivityPub federation
  • Bootstrap - CSS framework and icons
  • Shrine - File management library
  • Uppy - File uploader
  • Mittsu - a Ruby port of Three.js for server-side 3D code
  • Devise - Rails authentication system
  • Omniauth - Rails multi-provider authentication
  • Pundit - Rails authorisation & access control system
  • Rolify - Role management library
  • Sidekiq - Background job processing system