Uploading Content

You can add content to Manyfold by uploading compressed archives, or individual 3d files. Many of the most popular archive formats are supported, including ZIP, RAR, 7-Zip, bzip2 and gzip.

Each uploaded file will be created as a single model. If you upload a zipfile containing multiple models in multiple folders, they will all be combined into one.

You can also upload single 3d files in any supported format; these will be created as a model containing just that one file.

Upload screen

To upload, click the upload button in the navigation menu. Then drag your content into the dropzone, or browse to select; the files will start to upload immediately. Once the uploads have completed, you can press “create models” to actually save them to your Manyfold library. You should then see them appear over the next little while as the files are extracted and indexed.