
Most global configuration for Manyfold is via environment variables. These could be set in your docker configuration as shown in Get Started, in a .env file for local development, or in some other way that makes sense for your deployment setup.

This page lists the available environment variables, and describes the effect of each one.


The variables in this section must be set, or the application will not start.


Version 0.69.0+

Set the user and group IDs that the Manyfold application should run as. Works the same as it does in Linuxserver containers.

For example: PUID=1000 and PGID=1000

To get your user and group IDs, run id and look at the uid and gid values. Read our security guide for more details.


A secret key used to sign browser cookies; normally a 128-digit hexadecimal number, but any long random string will do. If you have the code checked out, you can generate one with bundle exec rails secret. Changing this will invalidate all user cookies and sessions.


manyfold image only, not required for manyfold-solo

A string that includes all the information necessary to connect to a Redis server, in the form redis://{redis_server}:{port}/{dbnumber}; for instance redis://redis:6379/1.


If you’re using the manyfold image, you need to provide either a DATABASE_URL or a set of separate DATABASE_* parameters. If you’re using manyfold-solo, as long as you have mounted persistent storage at /config, you do not need any more database configuration.


Version 0.72.0+

Specifies the type of database being connected to. Supported values are:

postgresql PostgreSQL yes
mysql2 MySQL or MariaDB  
sqlite3 SQLite  


Version 0.60.0+

The hostname of your database server. Not required for sqlite3.


Version 0.60.0+

The username used to authenticate to your database server. Not required for sqlite3.


Version 0.60.0+

The password used to authenticate to your database server. Not required for sqlite3.


Version 0.60.0+

For postgresql and mysql2, this should be the name of the database you want to use. For sqlite3, this should specify the absolute path of the database file, e.g. /config/manyfold.sqlite3


Version 0.70.0+

Specifies the number of database connections to share across the application. Defaults to RAILS_MAX_THREADS or 16, which should be fine in most cases.


A single string that combines all the information necessary to connect to your database. This will override any other information specified in the other DATABASE_* variables. The exact format varies slightly depending on the database adapter you want to use:

  • PostgreSQL: postgresql://{username}:{password}@{database_server}/{database_name}?pool={pool_size}
  • MySQL/MariaDB: mysql2://{username}:{password}@{database_server}/{database_name}?pool={pool_size}
  • SQLite: sqlite3:{absolute_path_of_database_file}?pool={pool_size}



Version 0.55.0+

Set to enabled to put the entire site into the demo mode used on In this mode, all deletion, upload, and advanced admin features are disabled, even in single-user mode and for administrator users. You’re pretty unlikely to need it, though perhaps you could use it as a sort of “emergency lockdown” mode.


Version 0.59.0+

If MULTIUSER is enabled, set to enabled to allow new users to sign up for account. If disabled, users will need to be invited by an admin. Off by default.

Users can be invited by navigating to Settings -> Advanced Administration > Users > New User


Version 0.59.0+

Set to enabled to turn on multiuser features such as account login, signup (with REGISTRATION option), permissions, roles, and so on. By default this is off, and Manyfold operates in single-user mode without any login necessary; however, if you’re exposing your Manyfold instance on the public Internet, even if you intend to only use it yourself, it’s probably a good idea to enable multiuser for security.

You should set a secure administrator password before turning on multiuser mode. Manyfold should prompt you to do so when you first access version 0.59.0 or above.


Version 0.75.0+

Set to enabled to turn on cross-server ActivityPub federation features such as remote following, webfinger discovery, etc. If you want your Manyfold instance to be part of the Fediverse, this is the setting for you. Make sure that PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and PUBLIC_PORT are set, and HTTPS_ONLY is highly recommended. Note that at present, only public content will be federated.


Manyfold supports single sign-on using OpenID Connect (OIDC), using the following environment variables. As well as these, make sure to set PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and PUBLIC_PORT. If you need to set an allowed redirect URL in your OIDC provider configuration, use http{s}://{PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}/users/auth/openid_connect/callback


Version 0.83.0+

A valid client ID from your OIDC provider.


Version 0.83.0+

The corresponding client secret from your OIDC provider.


Version 0.83.0+

The full “issuer” string of your OIDC prover, including scheme and any trailing slashes. This should be exactly as shown in your OIDC provider’s documentation or dashboard.


Version 0.83.0+

Shown in the OIDC login button; set to the name of your provider (e.g. “Authentik”) to customise the button text. Shows “OpenID Connect” by default.


Version 0.83.0+

Set to enabled to disable logging in with local accounts, and force all login to use your OIDC provider.



Version 0.69.0+

Put the application into HTTPS-only mode, including automatic HTTPS redirection, Strict-Transport-Security, and secure cookies. Read the security page for important details.

The HSTS header has a long expiry time, so this is effectively a one-way switch! By turning it on you will lose unencrypted access to your instance for a long time, so make sure HTTPS is working first!


If you are mapping Manyfold to a non-root path via a reverse proxy like nginx, use this option to tell Manyfold what the root path is; for instance /manyfold.


Some multiuser features are only enabled if an email server is configured, such as password recovery, email verification, and so on.

In order to send mail, you need an SMTP server to send through; this could be your own local mail server, your own email host like gmail, or a hosted SMTP service like Mandrill.


Version 0.61.0+

The hostname of your SMTP server, e.g. The default port 25 will be used.

If the server supports TLS, it will be used automatically with STARTTLS, but otherwise an unencrypted connection will be used. See ActionMailer’s SMTP documentation for details. Defaults to localhost.


Version 0.61.0+

The username for your mail server, if authentication is required.


Version 0.61.0+

The password for your mail server, if authentication is required.


Version 0.61.0+

The email address that mails should appear to be sent from. If not set, mail is sent from notifications@{PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}.


Version 0.61.0+

The hostname of your publicly-accessible service, e.g. This variable is used to create links in emails, and must be set for email delivery to work.


Version 0.61.0+

If your public service is on a non-standard port, set it here (e.g. 3214).



Sets the number of web workers run by the application. Recommended to be the same or slightly less than the number of available CPU cores for best performance. Defaults to 4. The number of concurrent requests that can be served is WEB_CONCURRENCY * RAILS_MAX_THREADS.


The maximum number of threads that each worker should run. Each thread can serve one request at a time, so the number of concurrent requests that can be served is WEB_CONCURRENCY * RAILS_MAX_THREADS. Defaults to 16.


Version 0.70.0+

The number of standard worker threads to run. If you have more CPU power and memory, you may want to increase this to get faster job processing. 4 by default.


Version 0.70.0+

The number of high-performance worker threads to run. High-performance workers run intensive jobs like geometric analysis and file conversion, and use a lot of memory and CPU power. Set to 1 by default, so that demanding jobs don’t saturate the Manyfold server, but if you have lots of CPU and memory available, you can increase this to process more jobs in parallel.



Version 0.83.0+

Set the name of your site to whatever you want, e.g. “Bob’s 3D Stash”; it’s “Manyfold” by default.


Version 0.83.0+

Customise the tagline shown on the homepage; shown below the site name, above the search box.


Version 0.83.0+

Customise the site icon shown in the navigation bar. Set it to a URL to your logo, which will be displayed 40 pixels high.



Version 0.69.0+

The maximum individual file size (written as an integer number of bytes) that will be extracted from uploaded archives. 1073741824 (1GiB) by default.


Version 0.69.0+

The maximum individual file size (written as an integer number of bytes) that can be uploaded. 1073741824 (1GiB) by default.


Version 0.67.0+

Set this URL in order to redirect anonymous usage tracking to your own endpoint; mainly if you want to verify what we’re sending. See the tracking page for more details.