Release v0.59.0

25 March 2024

🌟 This is a BIG one; Manyfold is going multi-user! 🌟

By default it will continue in the same single-user mode you’ve known up to now, but if you want, you can turn it on.

First thing you’ll notice is that you will HAVE to set a password for an administrator user. This user has been there hidden away for ages, but now you need to set a password for it. We do this even if you’re staying in single-user mode, so that things are secure if you turn on multiuser later.

To enable multiuser, you’ll need to set an environment variable, MULTIUSER=enabled in your Docker configuration. You can also set REGISTRATION=enabled to allow users to sign up for their own accounts. Otherwise, an admin will need to add new users manually using the advanced administration interface. See our configuration docs for more details.

In multiuser mode, all users MUST log in to see anything. There are then user roles which an admin can edit in advanced administration:

  • viewer: read-only access; every user gets this by default.
  • contributor: can upload models, and create new collections and creators (plus viewer).
  • editor: able to edit and delete content (plus contributor).
  • administrator: all-powerful; the same as the default single-user permissions.

Future releases will add more granular permissions, particularly around edit/create/delete access to individual models, creators, and so on. For now, everyone gets the same access to all content, so be aware, if you’re letting friends into your instance, they can see everything!


What’s Changed

✨ New Features ✨

  • Enable multiple user accounts by @Floppy in #1955
  • Add user roles by @Floppy in #1963
  • Enforce permissions with the new user roles by @Floppy in #1965
  • Onboarding flow for admin user to set up username/email/password by @Floppy in #1969
  • Adapt UI features to user permissions by @Floppy in #1970

    🛠️ Other Improvements 🛠️

  • Upgrade to Ruby 3.3.0 by @Floppy in #1907
  • Read .ruby-version into Gemfile by @Floppy in #1838
  • Improve autocreated user for single login, and change to lazy creation by @Floppy in #1964
  • Style pass for multiuser pages (login, registration, account settings) by @Floppy in #1967
  • Small polish translation update by @XioR112 in #1968
  • Add links to multiuser configuration documentation by @Floppy in #1972
  • Change preview button icon/style and hide for non-editors by @Floppy in #1973
  • Polish and French translation updates by @XioR112 and @Andreaj42 in #1974

Full Changelog: v0.58.0…v0.59.0

See the original release on GitHub: v0.59.0