Release v0.47.0

02 July 2023

A few small features to make library management easier this time.

NOTE: you may find some of your creators or collections get renamed when upgrading; this is because creator and collection names are now required to be unique! The application will check this when you upgrade, and if there are any conflicts, it will add some random numbers to the end of the name.

What’s Changed

✨ New Features ✨

  • Add ability to merge contained models all at once by @Floppy in #1309
  • Add a “New collection” button to collection list page by @Floppy in #1314
  • Add creator and collection delete buttons to edit pages by @Floppy in #1320

    🐛 Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed creators and collections with no models not showing in lists by @Floppy in #1310

    🛠️ Other Improvements 🛠️

  • Small test fix to avoid random test failures by @Floppy in #1311

Full Changelog: v0.46.0…v0.47.0

See the original release on GitHub: v0.47.0